Pre / Post Natal Chiropractic


Pre/Post Natal Chiropractic Services at Winter Park Chiro

The physical stress of pregnancy can lead to discomfort due to weight gain and shifting center of gravity, which can strain the lower back, feet, and pelvis. At Winter Park Chiro, we use specific Webster protocol spinal adjustments and exercises to reduce extra stress during your pregnancy, ensuring a smooth and safe birthing process and faster recovery.

Can You Go to the Chiropractor While Pregnant?

Yes, you can receive chiropractic care while pregnant.

Dr. Cloe Barnes, who is Webster Certified, specializes in working with pregnant women. Pregnancy brings many physical changes, and regular chiropractic treatments can provide specific adjustments and exercises to prepare your body for these changes. This helps ease discomfort throughout the latter stages of pregnancy.


Common Pregnancy Issues We Address

Lower Back Pain: Lower back pain is common during pregnancy due to the increased weight and shifted center of gravity. Chiropractic adjustments can maintain proper posture and reduce symptoms. Dr. Cloe Barnes prescribes custom exercises to keep you active, flexible, and mobile, offering a medication-free solution to manage lower back pain during pregnancy.

Sciatica: Sciatica, caused by the irritation of the sciatic nerve, can result in discomfort, pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the legs or feet. Spinal adjustments and stretching can release the pressure on the sciatic nerve, alleviating these symptoms.

Joint Pain: Fluid retention during pregnancy can increase pressure on knee and ankle joints, causing severe aching and throbbing. Soft tissue therapy relaxes the muscles, loosens the joints, and improves blood flow, helping them heal quicker. At Winter Park Chiro, we use various techniques to combat joint and muscle pain.

Fatigue: As pregnancy progresses, fatigue becomes more common due to the strain on the central nervous system. Ensuring your spine is aligned helps you feel more energetic by reducing the body’s need to compensate for spinal issues. Safe spinal adjustments can improve your energy and overall wellness.

Heartburn and Indigestion: Heartburn and indigestion are common due to the pressure on internal organs and hormonal changes during pregnancy. Chiropractic care can help reposition the esophageal valve and offer nutritional options to manage these issues safely.


Bounce back from baby with Athleticism and Grace

For moms-to-be, pregnancy is like a marathon, and training starts with a solid plan. Focus on the prenatal phase, or preg prehab, to make recovery easier after the baby arrives. Our team of doctors and personal trainers will develop exercises that include pelvic floor strengthening and spinal stability, targeting the deep intrinsic muscles that surround the spine and pelvis. Strengthening these muscles helps properly house your baby and decreases tension in the lumbar spine and pelvis, reducing low back and pelvic pain.


How Do These Exercises Help in the Perinatal Period?

Our chiropractors are expertly trained in diagnosing and treating spinal injuries using the latest in diagnostics and treatment modalities. Trust us to deliver exceptional results for your health and recovery!

Postnatal Rehabilitation and Pelvic Floor Therapy

You’ve Been Cleared to Exercise Again… Now What?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. We are here to guide you every step of the way! Postpartum pain is NOT your new normal. Let our team help you return to the activities you love without worry.

Postnatal Chiropractic Care Helps You Heal Faster

The critical 4th trimester of recovery is essential. Dr. Cloe Barnes recommends assessing new moms shortly after delivery to support the healing of their bodies and the pelvis and spine after the effects of pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

Benefits of Postnatal Care

Faster Healing: Postnatal chiropractic care accelerates the recovery process, helping new moms heal more quickly after delivery.

Comprehensive Assessment: Dr. Cloe Barnes recommends assessing new moms shortly after delivery to support overall healing.

Pelvic and Spine Support: Chiropractic care helps the pelvis and spine recover from the effects of pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

Diastasis Recti Healing: Offers treatments to help heal diastasis recti (separation of the abdominal muscles).

Postpartum Rehabilitation: Provides rehab to correct posture, create stability in the pelvis, and support the pelvic floor.

Efficient Recovery: Women who engage in postpartum chiropractic care and corrective rehabilitation programming typically experience faster and more productive recovery.

Year-long Recovery: While full recovery from pregnancy and childbirth can take up to a year, chiropractic care helps optimize and expedite this process.

Complimentary 10-Minute Telehealth Q & A!

Have questions about our integrated services? Book now for a complimentary 10-minute Telehealth visit with one of our expert providers!

At Winter Park Chiro our goal is to restore mobility back into the joints, restore proper movement patterns by utilizing our individualized rehabilitation programs to keep you out of pain and functioning optimally. 

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Tel – (407) 960 – 2103
Fax – (407) 960 – 6798

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